
Li Liu
E-mail: [email protected]

Li Liu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University


Academic qualifications

2012, Ph.D., Droplet transmission, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

2006, BEng, Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Previous academic positions held

2015.02-2018.08, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark

2016.03-2016.04, Visiting Professor, Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Thermique, Environnement et Systèmes, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France

2012.02-2015.02, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark

Teaching activities

1.       2020-present, 00000062, Healthy Buildings, 2 ECTs, Tsinghua University

2.       2020-present, 80001301, Design and maintenance of hospital infrastructure and environment, 1 ECTs, Tsinghua University

3.       2013-2018, IE7, Built Related Fluid Mechanics,

4.       2016-2018, IE8, Stochastic Modelling and Design Optimization, Aalborg University

5.       2015-2018, coordinator and supervisor of 7-10th semester of master program “Indoor Environment and Energy Engineering”, Aalborg University

6.       2015-2017, BED7, Building Ventilation, Aalborg University

7.       2015-2017, coordinator and supervisor of 7th and 9th semester of master program “Building Energy Design”, Aalborg University

8.       2013-2015, IE8, Advanced Modelling of Natural and Hybrid Ventilation, Aalborg University

9.       2012-2014, two-year Problem Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy training and certificated

Recent research projects

1.       Transmission mechanism and control of COVID-19 in prison, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (2020YFC0861500), CNY 3,000,000, Co-PI, 2020-2021.

2.       Environmental risk and control of COVID-19, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (2020YFC0842500), CNY 5,000,000, participant, 2020.

3.       Mechanism of aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in hospitals and control strategy, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52041602), CNY 280,000, Co-PI, 2020.

4.       Indoor Air Quality Control and Measurement, in ‘Control Mechanism and Technology of Indoor Contaminants’, National Key Research & Development Plan of China, CNY 1,900,000, Co-PI of Work Package 2, 2017-2020.

5.       Minimizing airborne infection in crowded indoor environment, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51778520), CNY 620,000, PI, 2017-2021.


2020, China Award for Science and Technology in Construction, Ministry of Construction, China

2020, individual performance award for fighting COVID-19 pandemic, Tsinghua University

2020, first class performance award for fighting, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences

2019, Tse Cheuk Ng Tai Innovation Award, MIT Fluid and Health conference 2019, Cargèse, France

Publications (# - equal contribution, * - correspondence)

1.         Lu, Y.#, Li, Y.#, Zhou, H., Lin, J., Zheng, Z., Xu, H., Lin, B.*, Lin, M.*, & Liu, L.* (2021). Affordable measures to monitor and alarm nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infection due to poor ventilation. Indoor Air, //doi.org/10.1111/ina.12899

2.         Zhang, Z., Chen, Y.*, Lei, J., Zhang, D., Zhao, B., & Liu, L. (2020). Ventilation and air conditioning system design for a cabin hospital. Journal of HV&AC, 50; (11), 67-70+92.

3.         Wang, L., Deng, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Duan, M., & Zhang, H.* (2021). Coronavirus and the risk of ocular transmission. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology, 57(04), 305-310.

4.         Qian, H., Miao, T., Liu, L., Zheng, X., Luo, D., & Li, Y. (2020). Indoor transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Indoor Air, //doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.04.20053058

5.         Li, Y., Qian, H., Hang, J., Chen, X., Hong, L., Liang, P., Li, J., Xiao, S., Wei, J., Liu, L., & Kang, M.* (2020). Evidence for probable aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a poorly ventilated restaurant. Building and Environment, 2020.04.16.20067728.

6.         Qian, H., & Liu, L. (2021). Indoor transmission law and control method of novel coronavirus. Chinese Science Bulletin, 66(4–5), 415–416.

7.         Xu, C., Liu, W., Liu, L.*, Cao, S., & Ren, Y. (2021). Non-uniform distribution evaluation method for personalized ventilation prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 66(4–5), 465–474.

8.         Lu, Y.#, Li, Y.#, Lin, M.*, Liu, L.*, Lin, B., Zhou, H., Lin, J., & Xu, H. (2021). Environmental monitoring and infection control of fever clinic in general hospital under the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 66(4–5), 475–485.

9.         Liu, L., Zhou, H., Lin, B.*, & Yu, J. (2021). Real-time monitoring and control strategies of indoor environmental safety in isolation hospitals under the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 66(4–5), 424–432.

10.     Liu, L. (2020). Transport mechanisms of indoor particulates. In Qian, H. (Eds.), Research advance report of indoor environment and health in China 2018-2019 (pp. 90-97). China Architecture & Building Press.

11.     Zhang, N., Cheng, P., Jia, W., Dung, C.-H., Liu, L., Chen, W., … Li, Y.* (2020). Impact of intervention methods on COVID-19 transmission in Shenzhen. Building and Environment, 180, 107106.

12.     Guo, Y., Wei, J.*, Ou, C., Liu, L., Sadrizadeh, S., Jin, T., … Li, Y. (2020). Deposition of droplets from the trachea or bronchus in the respiratory tract during exhalation: A steady-state numerical investigation. Aerosol Science and Technology, 1–11.

13.     Jiang, J.*, Fu, Y.V., Liu, L. & Kulmala, M. (2020). Transmission via aerosols: Plausible differences among emerging coronaviruses. Aerosol Science and

Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2020.1769020.

14.     Xu, C., Wei, X., Liu, L.*, Su, L., Liu, W., Wang, Y., & Nielsen, P.V. (2020). Effects of personalized ventilation interventions on airborne infection risk and transmission between occupants. Building and Environment, 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107008.

15.     Liu, L.*, Zhang, Y., Fu, L., & Wang, Y. (2020). Interpersonal droplet transmission risk and counter measures in thermally stratified environment. Journal of HV&AC, 50(6), 19-25.

16.     Yang, X., Ou, C., Yang, H., Liu, L., Song, T., Kang, M., Lin, H., & Hang, J.* (2020). Transmission of pathogen-laden expiratory droplets in a coach bus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 397, 122609.

17.     Liu, S., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., Sun, W., & Liu, L.* (2020). Technology development of breathing thermal manikin and its application and prospect in healthy building. Chinese Science Bulletin, 65(4), 274–287.

18.     Berlanga, F. A.*, Liu, L., Nielsen, P. V, Jensen, R. L., Costa, A., Olmedo, I., & de Adana, M. R. (2020). Influence of the geometry of the airways on the characterization of exhalation flows. Comparison between two different airway complexity levels performing two different breathing functions. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101874.

19.     Zhao, R., Qian, H.*, Liu, L., & Zheng, X. (2020). Comprehensive performance evaluation of a novel Aaberg exhaust system reinforced by a swirling jet. Building and Environment, 167, 106451.

20.     Duan, M., Liu, L. *, Da, G. , Géhin, E. , Nielsen, P. V., Weinreich, U. , Lin, B. , Wang, Y. , Zhang, T., & Sun, W. (2019). Measuring the administered dose of particles on the facial mucosa of a realistic human model. Indoor Air, 30, 108-116.

21.     Hvelplund, M. H., Liu, L.*, Frandsen, K. M., Qian, H., Nielsen, P. V, Dai, Y., Wen, L., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Numerical investigation of the lower airway exposure to indoor particulate contaminants. Indoor and Built Environment, 29, 575-586.

22.     Vianello, A., Jensen, R. L., Liu, L., & Vollertsen, J.* (2019). Simulating human exposure to indoor airborne microplastics using a Breathing Thermal Manikin. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8670.

23.     Zhang, Q., Zhang, X.*, Ye, W., Liu, L., & Nielsen, P. V. (2018). Experimental study of dense gas contaminant transport characteristics in a large space chamber. Building and Environment, 138, 98–105.

24.     Jin, D., Wexler, A.S., Chan, M., Liu, L., Zhou, Z., Li, X.*. (2018). Characterization of Size Distribution and Chemical Composition of Exhaled Particles by Using Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Instrumental Analysis, 37(8), 906-912.

25.     Xu, C.*, & Liu, L. (2018). Personalized ventilation: One possible solution for airborne infection control in highly occupied space? Indoor and Built Environment, 27(7), 873–876.

26.     Xu, C., Nielsen, P.V.*, Liu, L., Jensen, R.L., & Gong, G. (2018). Impacts of airflow interactions with thermal boundary layer on performance of personalized ventilation. Building and Environment, 135,31-41.

27.     Shi, Z., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Lv, Z., Li, Y., Liu, L., & Nielsen, P.V. (2017). Seasonal variation of window opening behaviors in two naturally ventilated hospital wards. Building and Environment, 130,85-93.

28.     Huang, Y., Wang, Y.*, Liu, L., Nielsen, P. V., Jensen, R. L., & Yang, X. (2017). Performance of constant exhaust ventilation for removal of transient high-temperature contaminated airflows and ventilation-performance comparison between two local exhaust hoods. Energy & Buildings, 154, 207-216.

29.     Sørensen, M.J., Hansen, K.K., Silkjær, M.H., Myhre, S.H., Marszal-Pomianowska, A., & Liu, L.* (2017). Integrated building energy design of a Danish office building based on Monte Carlo Simulation method. Energy Procedia, 132, 93-98.

30.     Xu, C., Nielsen, P.V.*, Liu, L., Jensen, R.L., & Gong, G. (2017). Human exhalation characterization with the aid of Schlieren imaging technique. Building and Environment, 112, 190-199.

31.     Zhou, Q., Qian, H.*, & Liu, L. (2016). Numerical investigation of airborne infection in naturally ventilated hospital wards with central-corridor type. Indoor and Built Environment, DOI: 10.1177/1420326X16667177.

32.     Liu, L., Li, Y.*, Nielsen, P.V., Jensen, R.L., & Wei, J. (2016). Short-range airborne transmission of expiratory droplets between two people. Indoor Air, 27, 452-462.

33.     Liu, L., Wei, J.*, Li, Y., & Ooi, A. 2016. Evaporation and dispersion of respiratory droplets from coughing. Indoor Air, 27, 179-190.

34.     Huang, Y., Wang, Y.*, Liu, L., Nielsen, P.V., Jensen, R.L., & Yan, F.L. (2015). Reduced-scale experimental investigation on ventilation performance of a local exhaust hood in an industrial plant. Building and Environment, 85, 94-103.

35.     Xu, C., Nielsen, P. V., Gong, G.*, Liu, L., & Jensen, R. L. (2015). Measuring the exhaled breath of a manikin and human subjects. Indoor Air, 25(2), 188-197.

36.     Xu, C., Nielsen, P. V., Gong, G.*, Jensen, R. L., & Liu, L. (2015). Influence of air stability and metabolic rate on exhaled flow. Indoor Air, 25(2), 198-209.

37.     Xie, X., Li, Y.*, Sun, H., & Liu, L. (2009). Exhaled droplets due to talking and coughing. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6, 703-714.

38.     Li, Y., Atkinson, J., Chartier, Y., Otaiza, F., Pessoa-Silva, C.L., Ching, P., Croome, D., Escombe, R., Liu, L., Luo, Z., Niu, J., Perino, M., Qian, H., Salt, M., Sawachi, T., Seto, W.H., Tang, J., & Xie, X. (2009). Natural ventilation for infection control in health-care settings. WHO Guideline. Geneva, Switzerland.

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